There's really only one thing I want to talk about this week, because I am so hyped up about it. (And because, at the time of writing this post, I am just a bit stressed about a trip that was/is supposed to happen this weekend and that is getting majorly messed up by this Snowpocalypse business...) But by Sunday, it won't matter whether I've been to Cincinnati or not, because...
Here's me, as a college freshman, when I met my X-Files friends in Washington, DC, to do nerdy X-Files things. #nerd
Let's repeat that in Friday Five fashion:
1) The X-Files revival starts airing on Sunday night!
2) The X-Files revival starts airing on Sunday night!
3) The X-Files revival starts airing on Sunday night!
4) The X-Files revival starts airing on Sunday night!
5) The X-Files revival starts airing on Sunday night!
So here's the thing: The X-Files meant *a lot* to me in high school and college. A LOT. I was obsessed. It was my first fandom. I belonged to the official Fox message boards and logged on every single day to catch up on posts. I wrote and read tons of fanfiction. I made fellow X-Phile (i.e., someone who loves The X-Files...) Internet friends—and this was before it was cool or common to have real, honest-to-God friends who you'd never met face-to-face. I even had an entire bedroom wall dedicated to X-Files posters and photos of David Duchovny—my first celebrity crush.
When I found out there was going to be a new short X-Files season, I decided that before it aired, I was going to rewatch every single episode of the show. It took me more than six months, but I did it! 203 episodes, plus two feature films. (And yes, there are some clunkers in there amongst the brilliance...) On Tuesday, a friend and I met to watch the series finale, so I am all caught up for Sunday—and I am PUMPED. (Not to mention that my shipper flag is flying high!)
Hopefully, next week's Friday Five will include effusive posting about how awesome the first two revival episodes are, and how wonderful it was to spend time with Mulder and Scully again, and how excited I am for the rest of the new series. In the meantime...
What's new with you this week?