Last week was busy and exciting—and yet also somewhat restful. Since my writing goals were minimal while I was waiting for feedback from my agent, I took the opportunity to cross some other things off my to-do list. Of course, I did my usual share of freelance work. But I also read a lot. I wrote up a few blog posts in advance. I booked some travel for May. I got a much-needed haircut. I had a rehearsal for a dance performance that's coming up this Saturday. I prepared the apartment for the Game of Thrones premiere party my husband and I hosted last night. (And who else is super excited for what GoT Season 4 has in store for us?!) Oh, and I had lunch with my editor in midtown, which is one of the great perks of living in NYC. We talked about what's next in the publishing process for THE DISTANCE BETWEEN LOST AND FOUND, and we compared notes on what we've been reading recently, and it was lovely. But the biggest thing that happened last week? I got my first glimpse of my book's cover! I'd been anxiously waiting for that moment, and it did not disappoint. The cover is beautiful, and I can't stop looking at it. I also can't wait to be able to share the final version with everyone! Stay tuned for cover reveal information in the weeks ahead… :)
Now back to my writing goals, since that's what this bootcamp is about. This week, I'll be working on a synopsis of my YA WIP. I'm not quite sure how long it will take—synopses can be tricky beasts. Luckily, I do have most of the book mapped out already, either in actual draft form or in bullet points. When the synopsis is done, after I've made a few small tweaks to the first three chapters, I think I'll dive into Chapter 4 and beyond. While I've first-drafted many more chapters than that, I recently changed from 3rd person to 1st and tweaked a major character's role, so I want to kind of simultaneously revise/re-draft the parts that are already written to reflect the new beginning.
So that's it for now!