YA Buccaneers Spring Writing Bootcamp: Week One Check-In

YAB-Spring-Writing-Challenge-2014Well, we're officially one week into the YA Buccaneers' Spring Writing Bootcamp, and it's off to a rip-roaring start! We have our goals. We have our teams. And now there's nothing left to do but…write! I'll be posting a brief update each week on how well I'm staying on track. So here's Week One's check-in. I spent last week revising the first three chapters of my YA work-in-progress, EVERYTHING'S BEAUTIFUL. And—*drumroll*—on Friday afternoon, I sent those pages off to a few beta-readers! I'm currently awaiting their feedback, and so this week will be devoted to the other project: starting to convert my first novel, which was written as YA, into a middle-grade. In fact, as soon as I click "post" here, I'll be opening up that document and diving in.

The next few months are crazy busy, so it felt good to start Bootcamp off with a bang. (Among the things on my plate between now and May 30: THREE weddings, one of which I'm a bridesmaid in; trips out of town to visit my family and my husband's family; possibly starting rehearsals for a dance performance this summer; the SCBWI New England conference; and, oh yeah, my regular freelance workload.) Now that I look at all of that written out, the question of the hour is: Can she pull it off?

So I'm going to really try to keep a "one week at a time" philosophy. I'm grateful to have my fellow Buccaneers and my YAB Bootcamp team (we're hashing out a team name now—stay tuned!) to keep me invested and excited, even when I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything on the to-do list.

And although it's completely unrelated to writing, it helps so much that it's finally feeling like Spring here. Here's hoping the weather keeps improving!

That's all for now...
