Friday Five: Mid-October Fun Times's been quite some time since I did a Friday Five. But I have good reason for my delinquency! I have been busy, busy, busy. Here are just a few of the things that have kept me from blogging...

1) I sent my latest manuscript revision to my agent on Monday! I've been hard at work on this draft since getting her notes in August, making a lot of changes that I think have made the book significantly stronger. I've got my fingers crossed that my agent agrees... :) 

2) One of the reasons I wasn't around in September was that I had an overwhelming amount of freelance work, on top of the manuscript revision I mentioned above. But! On September 30, I concluded my contract with one of my freelance jobs. Since October 1, I have had twice as much time to devote to my fiction, and that has been a genuine pleasure. 

3) Speaking of October 1... I had a birthday! Hello, 34. 

4) I shared on Twitter the other day that I hadn't been reading much while I was deep in revision-land. That said, I did read a few spectacular books over the past couple weeks! Here are three realistic YAs I have to recommend: 

Two sweet love stories (GEORGIA PEACHES and MY UNSCRIPTED LIFE) and one bittersweet love story (SUFFER LOVE). So you can tell what kinds of stories I've been in the mood for lately!  

5) I don't think I've mentioned on here that I've fallen hard for "Jane the Virgin." In particular, I want Rogelio de la Vega to hang out in my vicinity, hashtagging things. (#RogelioMyBrogelio) If you're looking for a charming, funny, sometimes-ridiculous telenovela with plenty of heart and depth, the first two seasons are on Netflix. 

That's all for now...what's up with you? 
